Elevate Program FAQs
These FAQs refer to the Elevate Program.
Elevate is an Australian-based Pre-Accelerator Program for those seeking to start a heart-led purposeful business that is aiming to positively impact the world. It is a 15-week program (with a 4+ week break in the middle for the festive season and to complete extended prototyping/testing time) that commences with a mini self-exploration virtual retreat with business, well-being and soul sessions to support the expansion of your self- and collective awareness and lay the foundations or deepen your abilities to be the change we want to see in the world.
Following on from this, we kick-off on 2 November with an array of virtual Group Mentoring Sessions and pre-recorded Workshops with Ashleigh Camm, Future Within’s Founder and Lead Mentor and Facilitator, as well as special expert guests from time-to-time. We then conclude the Program with an opportunity to pitch to a range of values-aligned Mentors and Investors online, and we also support you to connect with other routes after the Program, so you can maintain momentum and be supported in your future growth.
Elevate is for visionary human beings - those who want to start a business that will positively impact the world. Elevate is for those with aspirations to build the big businesses, and not so much for those who want to build a small business - there are tonnes of support options available for beautiful small businesses.
Elevate is not only for visionary business beings, it’s also for visionary human beings who want to be just that - beings as well. How divine would it be to be in our true expression and all of our innate essence as we build a business that’s seeking to positively support economies, communities and Mother Earth. It would be so beautiful, and we know deep down that this is exactly what we all, and the world, needs.
Elevate is different from other incubators and accelerators and business coaching programs out there - it is the integration of many of these to support our minds, bodies and souls as we envision and then execute on our ideas through learning about all the things we need to know as entrepreneurs and human beings: from business models and design thinking, to financials and raising capital from investors, to well-being, intuition and our inner dynamics.
You’ll gain wisdom and knowledge about yourself, your vision, your emerging business and strategies to launch and grow, including:
Vision and Purpose: Find or deepen your Vision of your emerging business and it’s current 5-year plan;
Design, Test & Build: How to design, test and build a business that’s going to be a valuable asset for you and the world;
Responsible business from the start: How to do business in alignment with purpose, people and planet, and stakeholders beyond just shareholders;
Brand & Marketing to Launch: How to build your Brand and Marketing Plan, find your customers and launch your business;
Bootstrap & use Resources wisely: How to boostrap what you can, if that is the right strategy for you, and to use your precious early stage resources wisely;
Forecast your Financials/Capital Needs: How to forecast your financials so that you can understand if/when you will have a profitable/viable business, and what capital you might need to get there;
Build you Strategy & Pitch Decks: How to build your Strategy/Investor/Pitch deck and how they efficiently interplay with each other;
Learn from the journey of others: Listen to the journey of others through the Program and external resources;
Pitch to Mentors/Investors: How to pitch well and have the opportunity to pitch to values-aligned mentor and capital providers to support your future growth;
Bi-weekly Virtual Group Mentoring Sessions: where we focus on an exercise to help us ensure we’re solving the right problem or upleveling our strategy, and answering questions or challenges that have come up that week;
Like-minded Community: going through the same journey as you - be able to connect with each other and support each other online in between sessions - they could be friends for life!;
Readiness: Be ready to take all of you and your business to the next levels, and beyond.
The more time you can commit to this new venture, the better, but we alllll understand that we have lives and full-time work and partners and families and all the things. Elevate is designed to fit around full-time work and family time.
It goes for 15-weeks (with a 4+ week break in the middle for the festive season and to complete extended prototyping/testing time), and following the select content of the Virtual Retreat, each week will then consist of up to 3 learning or mentoring hours, where you will need to work on your idea outside of these times too. The Virtual Group Mentoring Sessions will be held bi-weekly on Wednesday evenings between 6pm - 8pm AEDT, and any live Workshops that are scheduled will happen around the same times on alternate weeks. There will also be pre-recorded workshops for you to work through in your own time in between live Mentoring Sessions.
Around these live hours, as much time as you can dedicate to progressing your honouring of you and your idea will be helpful and necessary, to put into practice what you are learning and to progress your idea further towards launching and beyond.
We totally hear you - Elevate will give you everything you need and more to support yourself, build your vision for your new business and launch it. While it is a facilitated program, it also requires a lot of self-direction, emulating the path of an entrepreneur and what it is like to be your own boss. Sometimes it can be that we find once we have a taste of this path, we realise it is not for us, and that is more than ok - that is life, and what a beautiful discovery to make. We will try our hardest to ensure that who comes in is likely to launch their business, but we can’t always be sure. This can be a beautiful way to learn so much about yourself and your vision, and if you don’t end up wanting to be the leader, there are so many other options for you as well (like, sharing your idea with others to find the people you need so you can do you).
While we don’t expect you to feel anything other than 110% at the end or maybe even entirely transformed for the better, if you do find that you don’t get what you need out of Elevate to start your business, we would be so happy to offer you a free place in the next Virtual Elevate Program to iterate/pivot on where you were and go for it in round 2. We only want you to feel connected and empowered with what you are trying to create, and our goal is to see your business launch and grow beyond anything we can imagine right now.
We have a Duty of Care in all that we do with you and this means that, when you join us for this Virtual Program, all the facilitators, guides and practitioners on the Program are committed to ensuring your well-being in this Virtual Program container as far as is reasonably practical for us to be able to do so.
We are here as your supportive Guides and Teachers in the Sessions and we are holding the intention for all that we share to be for your highest good, but it is important to note that we are not trained or practicing counsellors or psychologists and the Future Within Virtual Retreat, Elevate Program, and Future Within is not claiming to be offering support in this way, nor will we be providing personal psychological therapy, treatment or counselling.
By joining us on this Elevate Program, you acknowledge that the personal work that you may be inspired to do from what you learn may ask you to deeply reflect on your life in general, and your psychological and emotional world, which may involve remembering past experiences that may have been deeply moving or traumatic.
Ultimately this is a journey of self-reverence and responsibility, and we ask that you accept full responsibility for any responses that you have to this work and agree that you will notify us of any adverse concerns ahead of time, and agree to seek your own therapy treatment as needed separately from the Future Within Virtual Retreat, the Elevate Program and Future Within.
We also kindly ask that while the risks of attending this Virtual Program are limited by virtue of it being held online, all participants acknowledge any of the risks involved in attending the Virtual Program and in each activity available or shared over the Virtual Program, and that it is up to participants to choose whether each Session or activity is right for them, and be aware of the risks when they choose to participate in them.
We want you to be able to get the most out of this Virtual Program in all ways, and to be able to book your place on the Virtual Program, you confirm that you are generally healthy, have no medical reasons that mean you shouldn’t take part in the Program, and agree to voluntarily take on the risks of the Program.
This forms part of our Voluntary Risk Assumption & Release Event Waiver which can be viewed in full here, and we will ask you to digitally sign this Event Waiver upon booking your place.
We are holding the intention for a beautiful uninterrupted journey of exploring, building and launching.
It is a very unlikely but it could eventuate that, due to unforeseen events, a facilitator is unable to facilitate a planned Session of the Program or we may find we have technical difficulties with internet connectivity or other scenarios.
If any of these scenarios arise, we will do our best to remedy the situation as soon as possible, be it finding a replacement facilitator or another time for the impacted Session to be held, or run an alternative Session that will equally nourish you.
Great question. We are super conscious of fit and the right type of business idea - that is a business idea that will positively impact the world and has the potential to scale. Elevate is not for those who want to stick with a small business, but if you want to create a local-loving small business and scale that for the benefit of many other communities, then Boom, Elevate could be just for you.
Elevate is also for the beings who want to show up for themselves and who are going to dedicate the time to the Program and to their emerging business. You don’t need to do Elevate if you want to dip in and out of the content, there’s tonnes of programs out there that you can do that with. We are here for the beings who want to dedicate the time to themselves and show up for the whole Program to get the most out of it. We want to see you launch and thrive as much as possible, and we’re so looking forward to supporting you.
An investment in yourself, your business and your future:
Introductory Price of $999, including GST.
This is the price for our Introductory Virtual Cohort - the Price will go up for future Cohorts.
For bookings before 20 October 2022, a Payment Plan is available for 3 monthly payments of $349, including GST.
Please note the Payment Plan is managed via EzyPay and additional Transaction Fees will apply to amounts paid in the Payment Plan. These are: Bank Commission Fee (Per transaction) : $0.48 + 1.86% ** / Visa/Mastercard Commission Fee (Per transaction) : $0.48 + 1.86% ** / Failed Payment Fee (Per failed transaction) : $16.39 / ** Minimum Commission Fee may apply.
If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend Elevate before the Program commences, and before you have access to content, we will only be able to refund what you had paid if we have a waitlist for places, less a Change Fee of $75. You are welcome to find someone to take your spot as well.
If you find that you can no longer attend after the Program commences, we will not be able to provide a refund.
As noted in 5. if you find you don’t end up launching your business at the end of the Program, we would love to offer you a free place in the next Virtual Program to support you to keep working on your idea or pivot to launch something new.
We will only run this Cohort of the Elevate Program if we have a minimum of 8 people. If we find that we do not have a minimum of 8 people by close of business 2 weeks ahead of the next program running, it will be unlikely that we will run the Program and you are welcome to apply your payment as a credit for the next dates of the Program (or to go towards another Future Within Service) or to receive a refund.
If you choose a refund, we will refund you within 5 days, less any transaction costs if you have chosen to pay via a payment plan.
If you have any other questions, please get in touch with us.