Future Within

Virtual Retreat FAQs

These FAQs refer to the Virtual Future Within Retreat.

  • The Future Within Virtual Retreat is an invitation to sit with heart-centred changemakers and practitioners as they share their experiences, wisdom and practices that will support you to go more deeply into and embody what it is you are being called to in life and in business – to be the change you wish to see in the world.

    Over the 15 days of this Virtual Retreat, you’ll be supported to expand through the wisdom shared and practical tools and frameworks to reflect on your life and the work that you do, and discover ways to align them with greater meaning, purpose, joy and fulfilment, and towards the vision that you hold for your life and the world we live in.

    The incredible heart-centred beings you'll hear from on the Future Within Virtual Retreat include Bharat Mitra of ORGANIC INDIA, First Nations Woman Belle Budden, Alexis Zahner and Sally Clarke from Human Leaders, and Future Within ’s Ashleigh Camm.

  • The Future Within Virtual Retreat is designed to support women who:

    • Want to be inspired and learn ways to create the positive change you seek in your life and the work you do in the world, for the benefit of you and us all; and/or

    • Are in transition and seeking greater purpose, meaning and fulfilment in life and in business; and/or

    • Feel like the world has not been created in ways that holistically support us, and you want to be inspired by ways to unravel what we have and co-create the new, in our own lives and in business; and/or

    • Are seeking greater connection to themselves and wanting to be more of yourself in life and at work, for the great benefit to you, your family and community, and your work; and/or

    • Have a feeling that there is more that you want to contribute in the world, and you want to be supported to discover what that might be; and/or

    • Feel like your purpose has changed from what you once thought it was, and your life no longer yields the same meaning to you as it once did – you want to explore what your next chapter might be.

  • Your Investment in you for this special Future Within Virtual Retreat includes group virtual live and pre-recorded sessions over 15 days, including:

    • All pre-recorded nature, purpose, visioning, business, creative, leadership, conscious feminine/masculine workshops that you will be able to access in the Online Portal for 12 months. Please see the Virtual Retreat Page for the indicative timetable of our Sessions over the Retreat dates;

    • The Live Reflection, Integration and Strategy Sessions will not be recorded as they are personal workshops - you will need to attend these live;

    • Daily email prompts to guide you on your journey and remind you of your Session work for that day;

    • Ability to connect live with Ashleigh and each other in the live Sessions to reflect on and share how you are progressing over the Virtual Retreat;

    • Not more than 15 people within each live session, to ensure we maintain intimacy and ability for everyone to share.

    Once you commit to the Future Within Virtual Retreat, you can expect that this ‘yes’ you’ve said to your soul will conjure up support for you to step into all that you are and align with your higher path in life and in business.

  • We have a Duty of Care in all that we do with you and this means that, when you join us for this Virtual Retreat, all the facilitators, guides and practitioners on the retreat are committed to ensuring your well-being in this Virtual Retreat container as far as is reasonably practical for us to be able to do so.

    We are here as your supportive Guides and Teachers in the Sessions and we are holding the intention for all that we share to be for your highest good, but it is important to note that we are not trained or practicing counsellors or psychologists and the Future Within Virtual Retreat and Future Within is not claiming to be offering support in this way, nor will we be providing personal psychological therapy, treatment or counselling.

    By joining us on this Virtual Retreat, you acknowledge that the personal work we delve into in the Retreat may ask you to deeply reflect on your life in general, and your psychological and emotional world, which may involve remembering past experiences that may have been deeply moving or traumatic.

    Ultimately this is a journey of self-reverence and responsibility, and we ask that you accept full responsibility for any responses that you have to this work and agree that you will notify us of any adverse concerns ahead of time, and agree to seek your own therapy treatment as needed separately from the Future Within Virtual Retreat and Future Within.

    We also kindly ask that while the risks of attending this Virtual Retreat are limited by virtue of it being held online, all participants acknowledge any of the risks involved in attending the Virtual Retreat and in each activity available or shared over the Virtual Retreat, and that it is up to participants to choose whether each Session or activity is right for them, and be aware of the risks when they choose to participate in them.

    We want you to be able to get the most out of this Virtual Retreat in all ways, and to be able to book your place on the Virtual Retreat, you confirm that you are generally healthy, have no medical reasons that mean you shouldn’t take part in the Retreat, and agree to voluntarily take on the risks of the Retreat.

    This forms part of our Voluntary Risk Assumption & Release Event Waiver which can be viewed in full here, and we will ask you to digitally sign this Event Waiver upon booking.

  • We feel that if you are feeling the call to join us, then you know that this Virtual Retreat will support you and please feel free to book your place here.

    If you want to chat about this and connect with Ashleigh first before making a decision, we would absolutely welcome this too and would love to connect - you can book in for a Discovery Call.

    Once you book, you will receive a confirmation of your purchase. You will not receive any further communications about the Virtual Retreat until 5pm the day before the Virtual Retreat is due to commence. This communication will share with you the details you need to access the Online Portal and our first Session together.

    Please note, by booking your place on the Retreat, you agree that you have viewed and accepted these FAQs, the Event Waiver and our Site & Service Terms and Privacy Policy available on our website.

  • We are holding the intention for a beautiful uninterrupted journey of self-discovery and expansion.

    It is a very unlikely but it could eventuate that, due to unforeseen events, a facilitator is unable to facilitate a planned Session of the Virtual Retreat (and this could also happen with your main Facilitator, Ashleigh) or we may find we have technical difficulties with internet connectivity or other scenarios.

    If any of these scenarios arise, we will do our best to remedy the situation as soon as possible, be it finding a replacement facilitator or another time for the impacted Session to be held, or run an alternative Session that will equally nourish you.

  • Your Investment in you for this special Virtual Retreat includes all in 3. (within these FAQs) and costs:

    $499 AUD, including GST

    Book your Place here

    Payment Plan before 12 December 2022: $260 AUD, including GST, first instalment, plus $260 AUD, including GST, as the second and final instalment one month later^

    ^Please note when choosing the Payment Plan option, no discounts are available with respect to this price and the Payment Plan is managed via EzyPay and additional Transaction Fees will apply to the price remaining that is paid over the 2 month period: Bank Commission Fee (Per transaction) : $0.48 + 1.86% ** / Visa/Mastercard Commission Fee (Per transaction) : $0.48 + 1.86% ** / Failed Payment Fee (Per failed transaction) : $16.39 / ** Minimum Commission Fee may apply.

  • We will only run this Cohort of the Virtual Retreat if we have a minimum of 10 people. If we find that we do not have a minimum of 10 people by close of business 5 January 2023, we will not run the Virtual Retreat and you are welcome to apply your payment as a credit for the next dates of the Virtual Retreat (or to go toward our next in-person Retreat) or to receive a refund.

    If you choose a refund, we will refund you within 5 days, less any transaction costs if you have chosen to pay via a payment plan.

  • If your circumstances change and you can no longer attend the Virtual Retreat, we will only be able to refund what you had paid if we have a waitlist for places, less a Change Fee of $75. You are welcome to find someone to take your spot as well.


If you have any other questions, please get in touch with us.